Wuttig Research Group

 Group News  


  • July 2024– Our new paperCompetitive Valerate Binding Enables RuO2-Mediated Butene Electrosynthesis in Water is published in JACSŠpela Kunstelj, alongside our theory collaborators in the Gagliardi Group, show that valerate interacts with RuO2 anodes, enhancing non-Kolbe selectivity in water! Our new reviewInterfacial Science for Electrosynthesis co-authored with Taemin Kim and YeJi Kim, is out in the Current Opinion in Electrochemistry! Congrats to Ry Papadopoulos for receiving a 2024 ACS DIC Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry and Deepak Badgurjar for being a finalist for the Department of Chemistry Postdoctoral Award Symposium! We celebrated the group’s 3rd birthday — good food and great times! Congrats to all! 
  • May 2024 — Congrats to our graduate students, Gregory Gorobets who received an NDSEG fellowship and Špela Kunstelj who received a departmental travel award to attend the Inorganic GRC! Congrats to our undergraduate students, Madison Huynh who received an NSF GRFP, graduated, and is off to UC Berkeley and Ry Papadopoulos who received a Beckman Scholars Award and the Astronaut Scholarship! Congrats to all!
  • January 2024 — Our new paper, Interfacial Tuning of Electrocatalytic Ag Surfaces for Fragment-Based Electrophile Coupling, is published in Nature Catalysis. Together with coworkers, Qiu Cheng Chen, Sarah Kress, and Rocco Molinelli, we uncover the interfacial structure of catalytic electrodes to enable selective fragment-based electrophile coupling reactions! This finding was also highlighted by the University of Chicago News and Nature Catalysis News & Views!


  • December 2023 — We are excited to officially welcome our new coworkers, Taemin KimGregory GorobetsNico Maldonado, YeJi Kim, and Ry Papadopoulos! We congratulate Ben Masters for passing his PhD candidacy exam earlier this fall! We congratulate co-workers Deepak Badgurjar (Electrochemistry GRC)Sarah Kress (ACS)Madison Huynh (ACS) on Departmental Travel Awards that will support their participation in various conferences next calendar year! Last but not least, we are super grateful to the NSF for supporting our scientific and educational missions with an NSF CAREER Award! We celebrate another fantastic year full of great science with a holiday party at Anna’s place.
  • July 2023 We are happy to share our new paper, Non-Covalent Interactions Mimic the Covalent: An Electrode-Orthogonal Self-Assembled Layer, published in JACS.  With coworkers, Deepak BadgurjarMadison Huynh, Ben Masters, we have discovered an electrode-orthogonal synthetic strategy to molecularly define electrified interfaces! On another note, we are very grateful to the NIH for a Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award! Our coworkers received awards to support their contributions to the group’s science this summer —Emma Edwards (Quad Grant), Sarah Kress (Norris Grant), Ben Masters (Departmental Fellowship)! Thanks to our safety officer, Deepak Badgurjar, for leading our chemical safety efforts and bringing back a safety award! We welcome our new graduate student rotators! We also celebrated our 2nd lab birthday! Here’s to another great year of scientific discovery together. Congrats to all! 
  • February 2023 — We are grateful to the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement for a Scialog Negative Emissions Science Award — we look forward to uncovering new science in collaboration with the Holewinski Group at U Colorado Boulder. We congratulate our coworker, Madison Huynh, for receiving the Quad Undergraduate Research Scholar Grant.


  • December 2022 — We congratulate our coworker, Špela Kunstelj, for passing her PhD candidacy exam last month! We congratulate our coworker, Qiu Cheng Chen, who has received a Kharasch Postdoctoral Scholars Travel Award to attend the Inorganic Reactions Mechanisms GRC and present our science in March! We welcome our new coworkers, Ben Masters and Emma Edwards! We celebrate our energy- and discovery-packed year together with a holiday party at Anna’s place. Looking forward to what 2023 will bring.
  • October 2022We are grateful to the ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator program for funding our group’s science! We had a picnic/bonfire at Promontory Point to welcome the new academic year — getting in some of that nice fall sun before the snow arrives (snow hasn’t arrived yet)! 
  • September 2022 — Anna gives a late-breaking topics talk on our group’s work at the Electrochemistry Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, CA! Anna has been selected to be a Scialog Fellow in Negative Emissions Science.
  • August 2022 — We are excited to be a part of the new EFRC, Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC), led by Laura Gagliardi at UChicago.
  • July 2022 — We welcome the new first-year graduate student rotators! We celebrate our group’s first birthday at Anna’s place!
  • May 2022 — We congratulate our coworkers who have received awards to support their contributions to our team’s science this summer. Špela Kunstelj has been awarded the Jack Halpern Fellowship and Sarah Kress has been awarded the James Norris Grant. We say farewell to our undergraduate coworker, Rocco Molinelli; thank you for your contributions to the lab!
  • March 2022 — We welcome Sarah Kress to the group! Time to schedule that group outing we have all been waiting for! It’s a bit too warm already for ice skating, so bowling it is.



  • December 2021 — We have moved into our permanent lab space — a great spot next to Anderson, Hopkins, and Yu Labs in the Gordon Center for Integrative Science. We also have some great views of our neighbors in Molecular Engineering. We welcome Špela Kunstelj to the group!
  • November 2021 — We welcome Qiu Cheng Chen to the group!
  • October 2021 — Anna’s new perspective piece, The interface is a tunable dimension in electricity-driven organic synthesis, coauthored with F. Dean Toste has been published in Natural Sciences.
  • September 2021 — We welcome Deepak Badgurjar and Madison Huynh to the group!
  • July 2021 — Hello! We have started a new research group at the University of Chicago! It is time to unpack, organize, and get new science started! We welcome Rocco Molinelli and Charles Zhang to the group!
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